More Challenger Teams
Challenger Specialist Teachers
Welcome to Music at CES
The Music Department at Challenger Elementary School is committed to excellence by providing components of music, which include performing on a musical instrument, reading and writing a system of music notation, and singing alone and in groups. Mr. Wiggs and Ms Heikkila rotate schedules in which to assure ALL students are provided equal curriculum opportunities featured by each teacher.
Our Classrooms
Music Program Information
Phy. Ed.
Welcome to Physical Education at CES
Our goal is to help children find a variety of ways to enjoy being physically active so that they will be able to get all of the physical, emotional, intellectual and social benefits that come to someone who is physically active throughout his or her life.
Our Classrooms
At Challenger Elementary School, your child receives 47 minutes of physical education every third day. The program has been designed to focus on three major areas that contribute to one’s physical health and well being:
- Movement concepts: In the early grades, for example, the program emphasizes the variety of ways we travel (for example: running, skipping, hopping), changes of directions and speeds, and different ways to balance, jump and land.
- Fundamental motor skills: Basic skills such as throwing, kicking, volleying, and striking are taught in the primary grades. In the upper grades the children are taught how to use these fundamental skills in game and sports, and various forms of rhythmical movement.
- Wellness concepts: These include ways to improve cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility. As teachers, we recognize that children are at different developmental levels, with a variety of needs and interests. For this reason, we will attempt to provide all of the children with learning experiences that are both beneficial and enjoyable. Each lesson is adjusted to take into account the wide range of skill and fitness levels in the class.
Welcome to Science at CES
We are excited about teaching 4th & 5th Grade Science. In the Fall & Spring we will have the opportunity to explore science outside in our own Prairie and outdoor classroom.
Our Classrooms
Thanks to the Education Foundation, we have two 3D printers we will be using to create our own insects and more. We also now have a Star Lab to learn about constellations during our Astronomy Unit.
If you have any questions regarding the science program here at Challenger, please feel free to contact one of us!
Special Education
Welcome to Special Education at CES
Our Special Education Teachers are excited to work with their students! They offer programs and services for students who have met special education eligibility. For more information, please visit District 564 Special Education Information.
Our Special Education Classrooms
Our Speech Classrooms
Special Education Family Resources
Our Early Childhood Special Ed Classrooms
Jennifer Johnson
Missy Kautzman
& More!
Welcome to Intervention at CES
Our Intervention Teachers work with students at CES that are identified through both assessments & teacher observations.
Our Classrooms
Intervention Family Resources
Connect Tech
Welcome to Connect Tech at CES
Students in Connect Tech Classes at Challenger Elementary School have been involved in new & exciting Innovative Technology projects. With the help of funding provided by TRF Education Foundation, our students now have access to coding, drones, 3-D printing, & more.
In addition, they have worked in partnership with many local businesses & NCTC to learn more about aerospace, engineering, & other important job-related skills.