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CES 1:1 Information

Challenger 1:1

CES 1:1 Information

1:1 Forms are now available through ParentVUE through Online Registration.

You may access ParentVUE through the iOS/Android app or visiting: ParentVUE

  • If you have any difficulty logging in or need assistance with the App, please find more information here: ParentVUE Tech Support
  • For your assistance, Tech Support will be available on-site during device handouts.
    • Paper Forms will also still be available at the Device handout, should the option be needed.

In order to take the school device home these items must be signed off on by Parents or Guardians in ParentVUE:

  • AUP: Internet Acceptable Use Policy 
  • 1:1 Insurance Agreement 
  • GAFE: Google Apps for Education (CES/FMS only)
  • Plus, $60 insurance paid must be paid
    • Tech payments (checks and credit card) can now be done online via ParentVue. There is a "Fee" section that will take you to our payment vendor, SchoolPay

      Please note, we can also accept cash or check in-person but the process will be expedited if you are able to complete your payments online. The payment amount is the same regardless of payment type (there aren't any added fees).

    • Optional: Educational Benefits Application & Confidentiality Waiver

We will verify eligibility for Educational Benefits (Free/Reduced Lunch) and any refund ($60 Free, $30 Reduced) will be sent after October 1st.

These forms are also available below for download should you need.