Third Grade
Third Grade Supply List
Qty | Type | Supply Needed |
1 | One-Inch | 3 ring binder w/FRONT PLASTIC SLEEVE - any color |
1 | Personal | Backpack (no wheels) |
1 | Box | Colored Pencils |
1 | Box | Crayola Crayons |
1 | Box | Crayola Markers (anysize/thickness) |
1 | Large Pink OR pkg. Pencil Top | Eraser |
1 | Pkg | Expo Dry Erase markers |
2 | Large Boxes | Facial Tissue |
3 | 3 hole punched | Folders with inside pockets |
4 | Large | Glue Sticks |
1 | Pair | Headphones (straight 3.5mm jack) |
1 | Pkg | Highlighters |
2 | Large Boxes | Kleenex |
2 | Compostion | Notebooks |
3 | Spiral: 70ct | Notebooks - Wide Ruled |
1 | Average Size | Pencil box |
1 | 3 hole punched, flat, sturdy w/zipper | Pencil pouch/bag |
1 | Dozen | Pencils: #2 with erasers (plain yellow ones sharpen the best) |
1 | BOYS Only | Plastic Storage Bags: Gallon Size |
1 | GIRLS Only | Plastic Storage Bags: Quart Size |
1 | Pkg | Post-It Notes (large or small) |
1 | Pair | Scissors |
2 | Large Pkgs | Snacks to share ~ must be individually wrapped (fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, etc.) |
1 | Pair | Tennis Shoes for Gym (can be kept in locker if necessary) |
1 | Bag | Treats: Small Rewards (ex. Jolly Ranchers, Dum Dums, Smarties, or Starburst) No Chocolate or Gum, please! |
If you have trouble finding items or just can't purchase supplies right now, please don't worry! We will make do with what we have.
Thank you!