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Third Grade

3rd grade supply list


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Third Grade Supply List

Qty Type Supply Needed
1 One-Inch 3 ring binder w/FRONT PLASTIC SLEEVE - any color
1 Personal Backpack (no wheels)
1 Box Colored Pencils
1 Box Crayola Crayons
1 Box Crayola Markers (anysize/thickness)
1 Large Pink OR pkg. Pencil Top Eraser
1 Pkg Expo Dry Erase markers
2 Large Boxes Facial Tissue
3 3 hole punched Folders with inside pockets
4 Large Glue Sticks
1 Pair Headphones (straight 3.5mm jack)
1 Pkg Highlighters
2 Large Boxes Kleenex
2 Compostion Notebooks
3 Spiral: 70ct Notebooks - Wide Ruled
1 Average Size Pencil box
1 3 hole punched, flat, sturdy w/zipper Pencil pouch/bag
1 Dozen Pencils: #2 with erasers (plain yellow ones sharpen the best)
1 BOYS Only Plastic Storage Bags: Gallon Size
1 GIRLS Only Plastic Storage Bags: Quart Size
1 Pkg Post-It Notes (large or small)
1 Pair Scissors
2 Large Pkgs Snacks to share ~ must be individually wrapped (fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, etc.)
1 Pair Tennis Shoes for Gym (can be kept in locker if necessary)
1 Bag Treats: Small Rewards (ex. Jolly Ranchers, Dum Dums, Smarties, or Starburst) No Chocolate or Gum, please!


If you have trouble finding items or just can't purchase supplies right now, please don't worry! We will make do with what we have.

Thank you!