About PBIS
PBIS is a school-wide program teaching students appropriate behaviors, rewarding those appropriate behaviors in exciting ways, creating a predictable and consistent discipline system, while keeping parents/guardian informed to ensure parents/guardians and the school are supporting each other and appropriate student behaviors are enforced in all areas.
PBIS is based on research which shows if you teach students exactly what is expected of them and give them opportunities to practice the desired behavior and reinforce those appropriate behaviors they are more likely to engage in the desired behavior and therefore have less behavioral issues. PBIS is a well-researched program that is being done in hundreds of thousands schools across the U.S. with outstanding results in reducing suspensions, Office Discipline Referrals and increase academic achievement.
Teaching Expectations and Rewarding Behaviors at Challenger
Students will be taught the expectations in each area listed in the Challenger PBIS Expectation matrix. There are links to our Prowler Way videos in the parent/teacher resource tab which show students demonstrating appropriate behaviors in classroom, bathroom, cafeteria, playground, buses, special events and hallways. We would like parents to become familiar with the Prowler Way and reinforce the Prowler Way at home. Throughout the year students and classrooms demonstrating the school-wide expectations will be recognized in various ways. We have the Prowler Way blue tickets, which are slips of paper teachers/staff give students whenever they catch them using The Prowler Way (ex. if a student is being quiet and walking in the hallway or they are helping a friend). Every week the teacher will draw a few blue tickets and the names drawn are given privileges. We also draw names in the office every Friday. A student from each grade level is drawn and given a prize and have their picture taken with the Principal. In the Cafe we have traveling trophies, every week on Friday one class from each grade level following the Prowler Way are rewarded with the cafe trophy. The classes names are announced over the intercom and their picture is taken and put on this website. Plus many more rewards to come!
To Summarize...
The basic assumptions of the Prowler Way include:
1. Identifying and teaching expected behaviors.
2. Reinforcing and rewarding expected behaviors.
3. Enforcing consistent meaningful consequences when violations of the expected behaviors occur.
The Prowler Way
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Safe * Build Relationships